🌹Sorry, my dear Poet Jaylee! 🌹I am not sure how this escaped my eyes. I saw your comment on Preferred Rose. 🌹
🌹Thank you for the new year greetings and a very Happy New Year to you as well! My puppy is ecstatic upon hearing from you and woofs back!🌻
🌹Yes! Plombargo or periwinkle - it is the same plant. It comes as a ground cover as well. 🌹
🌸LOL! Turkey chicks! LOL! Enjoy nature. 🦋
🌹I have a big number of clippings that will turn spring magically into a lush garden of flowers. Alas, I am running out of dirt in my garden. I will beg, borrow, or steal space_dirt from others. They won't mind. I will just start digging in their backyard because I ran out of space. LOL! 🌹
🌻For a long time I have been starring at the periwinkle plant. I finally braved and stole a clipping. I tell ya' these stolen ones are worth more than diamonds or cash. They root so well. LOL! Shhhhh... Mr. Thief must not know that I stole his work. LOL!🌻
🌻I am already feeling the vibes of the roots. These rooted clippings make me happy. 🌻
🥀Update on orchids - 5 out of 6 have bloom stems. Those last for 6 months. They are amazing. Imagine standing there smiling- cooped up indoors- for that long! Phew!
When I moved into this house, the backyard was barren with no color. I almost replaced every bush with a rose bush. Ran out of sunny spots for roses in this garden. It is time for a new barren garden. Working on the logistics.
Thank you! Thank you for all your lovely comments! It means a lot!❤️