Member-only story
People have reasons
The kid in us keeps us young
Since spring never stood so still
But you froze
Did your spring roll back to a grey winter
Now you seem to see a black summer
I wonder what struck you again
Everyone can only exclaim, OMG!
Yes, OMG — they can only wail
After many decades what triggered
Was it a booming voice that traveled
Across many oceans and the immense sky
What sends you into your shell while
Fear freezes you in your running
Did the sky rain wicked sticks and stones
And you see black trees that do not give
No, my dearest friend
Decades ago was very far away
Voices dissipate across the oceans
From the depth of my heart, this springs
That you feel and feel the summer’s scorching heat
Every loud voice is not that of an evil soul
That loud voice is of an innocent kid
Oh, nothing at all, for he is
Crying for his mother’s time
In all, that kid in us keeps us young
Ocean’s mist you must deeply breathe
I promise I am here for you — your friend
Every season has a lyrical melody
Every person springs a season
People have reasons