🌹My dear Shakespeare Moderne - You call my work classics! Very humbling! Wow! What would I call your works? While writing this piece, my goal was to write like you. So, I strapped myself to a chair.🌻
🌹I would have never known if you had not pointed out a few things in my writing,
So, the one who recognizes gets the award, reward, and dessert - Nothing left for anyone else. After I hand you everything I have, I will admit my style is unique - which you pointed out and I have come to accept. It cannot be taught, and I never took an English lit class.🌻
🌹Also, P'rama I - was the most challenging because you box a free thinker (or tinker) and box them up. That cuts off the O2 supply, but good for the brain for some time.🌻
🌹Nothing is hitting my head, which is a good sign.🌻
🌹Thank you so much for all the encouragement, without which I would not have hit the publish button.🌻
🌹Take care and stay safe!🌻