My dear modern Shakespeare - I am taking all your lovely comments to the bank. π
Nothing escapes your eye!
AI chosen name and it will change, I am sure!
AI gave me three choices back when I wanted something. I chose modern Triangle! Which I absolutely love. "Sinus Kosinus" It is perfect for me!!!!
I am not an escapist.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my style. You see now, I challenge AI to reproduce my style or even your style? How about project poetry of this current three year old kid as a thirty year old?
I will stop here. I can fill pages with my crazy brain. Non of which is of much use and will not earn me my bread and butter!
It means much a prolific writer as yourself, is even reading my work.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
I am listening to this right now -->
at around 13:00. She is awesome!
Take care and stay safe!