Meet Dux
my friend
Misty caught me singing the song in the video below. By the way, do you recollect Misty from Interesting Tails?
Misty: I will always be your friend, even if you do not sing that song.
Puppy: Paws Misty! I am reassing (rehearsing) this song for Dux — my friend from the Summer Bootcamp. When Dux walks in, I want to impress him with the right tune and melody.
Misty: That sounds like fun! Can I watch you singing to Dux when he is here?
Puppy: Sure! Weren’t you going to the pumpkin patch with Buffy?
Misty: Thanks for reminding me. I got to run. Woof! Tail Wags! Licks!
Puppy: Woof! Woof, dear Misty! Tail Wags! Licks!
Making Dux talk was a challenge the first time we met. He put mustard yellow lipstick on his pout, a tight cap on his head so thoughts do not escape, and a lovely feathery coat. I could sense something was off since he was not breathing right, which is strange for a Duc! His…