Hmm! Now I have to do some more research on artists.
I enjoy reading both, Ms. Dickinson and Mrs. Browning. I was surprised (or shocked) to read that Elizabeth was married very late to Mr. Browning at forty, and died at 55 (she had an illness). The most amazing fact is that she started writing poetry when she was four. I would not even know how to spell poetry at four. LOL! The only person who could have written poetry at four - my guess - 🌹my dear Modern Shakespeare!🌹
But seriously at four!
Mozart was five when he first composed. His music is out of this world. So is Vivaldi's.
I digress. Sorry!
It is sad we do not have offspring from both of these poetesses. But, who knows what those sprouts would turn into? No guarantee! LOL!
I will mercifully spare you!
Take care and stay safe!