Dear Professor Modern Shakespeare- I cannot afford your class. My apologies for my budget issues. I will re-read your work in the hopes I pick at least a word from each of your works. But if you do admit me with a waiver (alas, there is no such thing in the real world), I would be forever grateful for the opportunity! Instead, I can offer a sac full of flowers and decorate them.
Modern Triangle!
Three sacks full! Wonder the value of each sac? Adorable sacs!
A student can learn from an image of the Teacher as well!
Your poems are (literally) out of this world, my dear modern Shakespeare!
Sometimes, I wonder, with my LEP, what I write gets conveyed! But, you amaze me every single time with your interpretation! Wonder what you breathe and consume?
Your presence on Medium is priceless!
Take care and stay safe!