Sinus Kosinus
Jan 6, 2023

🌹Dear Poet Jaylee🌻 - 🌹Your lovely comment cheered me up, and my face lit up like a 1000 Watt bulb. I have the biggest smile on my face now.🌻 Wintery days are getting to me with ugly COVID variant cases rising.🌹 But, like you say, and I agree, let's lock up our 'dirty deeds' in the UN bank with our one and only one beloved & sweet Mr. T!🌻 LOL! 🌻We just won't tell him as well. LOL! 🌹

🌹Let's move UN HQ to the shores - a surprise for mon cher Shakespeare Modern (MCSM)! LOL!🌻

🌹Thank you for feeding the orphaned Ring-tail possums! Stealing plant clippings is fun especially when we turn the Earth greener and feed the needy.🌻

🌹Your kind words lift me and inspire me to write more. Take care and be safe down under!🌻


Sinus Kosinus
Sinus Kosinus

Written by Sinus Kosinus

Work, read, play, laugh and write.

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