Member-only story
A reality
from this era
“An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.”
The garbage truck picked up
the wrap of the last nut bar
that lived in the pantry for over six months
Spotless refrigerator and freezer
cleaned out — two days ago
He quickly grabbed the to-go
from this pan-era — a sandwich
some fruit, salad, and a drink
he dashed through the double doors
already held open by incoming strollers
Now a glimpse of a man — a grim reality
He quickly set the bag in front of the man
who had a sign — “Hello gluten free”
Typically folks say — “you are welcome!”
With quick steps
he dashed off down the street
turned left and disappeared
He was pressed for time
Someone’s hunger was satiated
With a content heart
he settled in his chair
to finish the last chapter
due in 27 minutes
Mission fulfilled
Not a dream — a reality
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one.”
— Mother Teresa