Member-only story
A Fantastic Trip
A tail of a volunteer
At the peak of this glorious summer, I learned that we (puppies) are replacing ball boys and girls at Wimbledon. Without hesitation, I immediately filled out my online application to volunteer at Wimbledon 2022, without my mom's knowledge. Why shouldn't my mom know? Well! Woof! I did not want to wait while my mom weighed a million to a billion things, by which time the application deadline will pass. No! I am not waiting for anyone's approval to volunteer for a fun sport.
The selection process was easy. First, I had to upload a five-minute youtube video of myself fetching the tennis ball without distractions and with no treats afterward. It felt weird giving up something with no reward at the end. Yes! No reward! You read that right! It felt like I had converted into a "monk." So I replaced the treat in my mind with the mantra "be kind" and "let go."
That was very hard! A whole five-minute of fetching with no treats! But it worked!
My grand idea was to travel with other applicants, and there would be no fussy companions that would order me around. Oh! Not to mention the endless shopping she has to do. I don't need to wait around for an Uber ride. With agility and pace, I ride the tube and smell fish and chips when I get off on my short stroll to Wimbledon.